NOTICE is hereby given that the municipal Council of "Ville de Gaspé", at its ordinary meeting held on March 4, 2024, has adopted by resolution the following draft of by-law and that a public consultation meeting will be held at the Town Hall, on Monday, March 18, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Draft of by-law 1156-11-65
The draft of by-law amends the zoning by-law 1156-11, as follows:
- modifiant le point D) SERVICES de l’article 3.2.3 CLASSE DÉTAIL, ADMINISTRATION ET SERVICES (C-2) afin d’ajouter un quatre-vingt-treizième usage autorisé Lieu de retour pour contenants consignés
- modifiant les usages autorisés dans la zone M-409 afin de permettre comme usage spécifiquement permis l’usage Ensemble touristique et d’assujettir cet usage au Règlement sur les usages conditionnels no1172-12
- modifiant les usages autorisés dans la zone IC-269 afin de permettre comme usage spécifiquement permis l’usage Centre récréatif en général (7424)
- modifiant les usages autorisés dans la zone P-210 afin de permettre comme usage spécifiquement permis les usages Centre sportif multidisciplinaire (couvert) (7222) et Aréna (patinage sur glace) (7451)».
The concerned zones M-409, IC-269 and P-210 are illustrated in the following sketches:
Zone M-409, located in the area of Anse-au-Griffon (chemin du Portage and Rang Saint-Patrice) :
Zone IC-269, situated in the area of the Parc industriel des Augustines :
Zone P-210, situated in the area of the C.E. Pouliot high school :
This draft of By-Law does contain provisions specific to a by-law subject to referendum approval.
During this meeting, the Mayor or another Council member designated by him, will explain the draft of by-law and the consequences of its adoption, and will hear the persons and bodies wishing to express their views.
In addition, this draft regulation will also be the subject of a written consultation which will be held from 7 to 15 march, 2024 inclusively. During this period, we invite anyone interested to submit questions, observations, or comments in writing, no later than Friday March 15, 2024, as follows:
- By mail or delivering them directly to the legal services and registry office located at the town hall at 25, rue de l'Hotel-de-Ville, Gaspé, Québec, G4X 2A5;
- By email at
This draft of by-law as well as a video capsule briefly explaining this project are available on the city’s website, in the document attached to this notice.
Anyone who has questions about this draft by-law can also contact the Urban Planning, Land Use Planning and Environment Department directly at (418) 368-2104, extension 8530, or at urbanisme@
The draft of by-law is also available for consultation at the Town Hall office.
Given in Gaspé, March 7, 2024.
Isabelle Vézina,
Director of legal services and town clerk